How big is baby?: the size of an avocado - maybe I won't be eating guacamole this week...
Weight gain/loss?: +5 lbs. and about 3 of those are in the last week!
Stretch marks?: Nope, but my belly is seriously itchy.
Maternity clothes?: Broke out my mat work pants yesterday, mostly because my regular ones were dirty. They're still a little big but quite comfy! Today I'm sporting the BeBand.
Sleep?: It varies. One night this week I woke up every hour, then the next night I slept SO well.
Best moment this week?: Finding out we're having a girl!
Food cravings?: Depends on the day.
Gender?: Refer back two questions ;)
Movement?: Not yet but I can't wait to feel it!
Belly button?: Still there
Symptoms?: Lots of stretching/growing pains.
What do I miss?: We went for Mexican last weekend and I would've killed for a Corona Light.
What I'm looking forward to this week? Totally not baby related, but I'm going to see Lady Gaga tonight with a friend and I am SO excited!
I love seeing this! HAI MILLERLITE!! xoxo