Cue this month - cycle #3. My first two cycles of taking my temp and charting I ovulated on days 20 and 21, respectively. This month my O day crept up on me - CD 14. And as luck would have it, we had decent timing in the sex department without even trying (since I had no clue I was about to O). My chart looks completely different so far this month, and I have no idea what to make of it. Thus the obsessing.
Vitamin C - it's not just for flu season
I have a theory about the completely different cycle this month. I could be way off, and I am certainly not a doctor, but found some interesting information thanks to my BFF Google. I had taken Ester C supplements (vitamin C that doesn't make my acid reflux-prone tummy upset) for many months. I stopped taking it a few months ago because I ran out of coupons and there weren't the usual flu season BOGO sales at Kroger. And I'm cheap. Recently I resumed taking it because I work on a college campus and the kids carry more germs than a toddler in daycare (and I used to work in a toddler room at a daycare, so I know.) But I digress.
Stick with me here. When I Oed on CD 20 and 21, my luteal phase (LP) was 11-12 days. Which isn't in the dangerously short range that prevents implantation, but it isn't exactly a great length either (less than 10 days is cause for concern). On a whim I Googled "vitamin C and luteal phase" and found several articles like this one linked to a study: Vitamin C Increases Fertility in Women with Luteal Phase Defect.
I really have no way of knowing if this is true for me. If this cycle is another no-go, it will be interesting to see when I ovulate next month if I continue taking the supplements. In the meantime, I'm just playing the waiting game for another week to see where it takes me. Hopefully to Babyland!
That is an interesting theory, maybe I need to get myself on the Vitamin C train too. :) Good luck this cycle!